[AP News]Stand Up Therapeutics and VectorBuilder have agreed to deliver the first gene therapy supplies for a paraplegic patient > 보도자료 - Stand Up Therapeutics

[AP News]Stand Up Therapeutics and VectorBuilder have agreed to delive…

2023.03.09 14:04 1,709 0



UK, January 7, 2023/ EINPresswire.com /  Stand Up Therapeutics Co., Ltd is a South Korean gene therapy firm that treats paralysed people with spinal cord injuries. Stand Up Therapeutics announced a collaboration with VectorBuilder Inc., a global leader in gene delivery systems, to develop a GMP-grade gene delivery system. 


VectorBuilder is the world’s largest supplier of customised vectors for viral and non-viral gene delivery. The company is based in Chicago, Illinois, and has offices in North America, Europe, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Israel. Currently, over 80,000 bespoke vectors are created each year for many scholars all around the world. VectorBuilder provides GMP facilities for gene delivery systems and supplies gene therapy products and delivery systems to over 50,000 customers worldwide, including all of the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporations and universities. We offer gene therapy solutions and delivery systems.

According to Stand Up Therapeutics, under this collaboration, VectorBuilder will create and supply Stand Up Therapeutics-designed gene therapy products in the future. The strategy aims to dominate the global market.

VectorBuilder is particularly interested in Stand Up Therapeutics’ gene therapy for the treatment of paralysis on a worldwide scale,” stated VectorBuilder’s Chief Scientist Bruce Lahn. As a global leader in the design and GMP manufacture of gene delivery vectors, I think VectorBuilder will be able to sell this product to Stand Up for patients globally.”

Dr. Junsang Yoo, CEO of Stand Up Therapeutics, stated, “Stand Up Therapeutics is the only company in the world with technology that cures paralysed patients due to spinal cord injury using our own developed direct lineage reprogramming technology” (STUP-001). Members of Stand Up Therapeutics are working tirelessly to discover a solution for people suffering from paralysis as a result of catastrophic injury.” Furthermore, “Stand Up Therapeutics intends to develop treatments for Parkinson’s disease (STUP-002), stroke (STUP-003), spinal stenosis (STUP-004), and myocardial infarction (STUP-005) in the future using the direct cross-differentiation PIPELINE technology.”

STUP-001, a spinal cord injury (SCI) gene therapy treatment, will enter an IIT Clinical phase I/IIa trial with four paraplegia patients in 2023 1Q.

Concerning Stand Up Therapeutics Co., Ltd.

Stand Up Therapeutics Co., Ltd. develops gene treatments for nerve cell regeneration by transforming fibroblasts into motor neurons in vivo utilising cutting-edge technologies. The goal of Stand Up Therapeutics is to use direct lineage reprogramming technology to treat mild and severe paralysed patients, who account for around 1.9% of the world’s population, who have suffered from spinal cord and brain traumas. Stand Up Therapeutics will expand the pipeline by developing safer and more effective direct reprogramming procedures, as well as gene therapy.

More information can be found at http://stutps.com.


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